Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The 2kDozen 500: #237 - kandodo, "kandodo"

Even less time to listen to this than usual - and I must not fall behind. Even allowing for a Lou-less night tomorrow, I'll have to watch TV so I don't feel alone, so albuming is hard.

This is the side project of someone out of something else - yeah, I'm a fast learner, what of it? It's all setting sail on solar winds across spaces exactly as wide and as narrow as you're prepared to make them. There's talk of the lad's African background, but I think this could have come from anywhere in the world - certainly including northern Europe. It evokes deserts but would almost certainly fit any other rugged landscape you could lay your eyes on. There are drones, digital stuffs, gallons of reverb, but it all fits within a tidy guitar indie rock compartment.

"Lord Hyena, 3am" has a very 3am feel about it, when the right night just about peaks, but you can feel the precipice of the dawn under your feet. It phases out the end of the album so lovelyly. "Yamadharma" starts with a Crocodile Dundee easiness, no real hurry in any direction. Space station pace. Music to listen to in your artificial coma whilst speeding to some mining colony in another star system.

Rating: Artificial Coma out of Solar Wind Chimes

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