Tuesday 10 July 2012

The 2kDozen 500: #256 - Galaxie 500, "Today"

This was cheating slightly as I had already heard Galaxie 500 albums, but I thought I hadn't heard this one. And what better band for the 2kDozen 500 could there be than Galaxie 500? None better band.

I hadn't heard this album before, I still think. Even through they tend to drift together in my mind a little. And it seems more playful than I remembered Galaxie 500 to be. All I knew of them as a kid was a loop from Indie Top Ten on The Chart Show, which must have been from 1990 or so - "Blue Thunder". It was the bit when they sing "I'll drive so far away" over and over. It sounded more ethereal then than it seems to now. But I suppose that's the nature of stuff being looped out of context.

This album is a bit more neurotically paced. Like the mid Eighties were. Even Happy Mondays sounded neurotic in the Eighties. It was enervated response to sleek, glistening Thatcherism and its rocket fuel momentum. It was a kind of protest music; like Belle and Sebastian in the middle of the Brit Pop fuckfest. And "Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste" is a great title. Although you get the feeling from the album it's exactly what they wanted to happen.

Rating: Looped out of Eternity

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