Thursday, 15 April 2010

Insidious Junkbox XXI - Whither the Digital Economy?

Greetings, mud-watchers.

As usual, I'm writing this while trying to think about two other things: Charlie Brooker's new TV programme and simultaneous haircut, and the inevitable dawning of another day at work. I've had a day off today, which I've typically not made anything like the most of. Whinge, whinge. But I HAVE done another Junkbox. One strangely rutted in the year 2008. I'm nostalgic to the sinew and no mistake.

So, Junkbox XXI, which inspired by Dave C's TV appearance on ITV this evening, I seem to have called "I Hate Tories". Normally I try to keep the air-bubbles of hatred out of my bloodstream in order to avoid juddering death, but I was under pressure to name the MP3 and it just blurted out. Unless I'm discussing the party arrangements for the day Thatcher finally fucks off from the face of the earth on her way under it, then I really annoy Lw and feel like a blackened stump of a human figurine.


1. Primal Scream - Higher Than The Sun (Higher Than The Orb Mix)
2. Rusko - Cockney Thug (Caspa Mix)
3. Crocodiles - Neon Jesus
4. Clor - Love + Pain
5. Archie Bronson Outfit - Shark's Tooth
6. Asiko - Lagos City
7. Gil Scott Heron - New York Is Killing Me
8. Talking Heads - Pulled Up
9. High Wolf - Tropical Rain Washed My Brain
10. Wolf People - October Fires
11. Cults - Go Outside
12. Shitmat - Clash And Carry (Old Socks Mix)

Download it from the titley bit that should be a different colour. Next time, fewer tunes from 2008 that I hadn't heard until very recently. Maybe some LCD Soundsystem.

I keep thinking that I'll do one that I just let my iPod pick the tunes. Could be disastrous.

And next time, a bit more of an effort with the descriptive words. Something about buttery udders or porcelain battleships or something.

Your pal, Coc x

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Chocolate Fear Of The Big Booming Daddy

Howdo? and Howdo!

I'm watching me the end of the Tim Burton version of Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Very poor how it entwines the whole American obsession with the Patriarchal into the end. Everyone in the US seems so obsessed with the Daddy Within. Or at least it runs through American pop culture like an unravelling stitch on a poorly weft fabric.

I like the Gene Wilder one much more, even though it's maybe a bit more sappy. The point is that Wonka is the father figure, not some creepy over-toothed older brother at the dinner table. Or is that the point? Even if it isn't, we don't need a dentist and people following their destiny even if it's against the parental wishes and blah baby boomer blah... On the other hand, a bit of Christopher Lee is always a good thing.

An unfocused mind railing against the locusts, gumming up my mental air-con.

Peace and fucking! Believe!

Your pal, Coc x